Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Late Open Comment Post. 20 May a few things...

Just a few things to keep readers informed...

1.  Dealing with a bit of being under the weather so blogging will be light...

2.  Dealing with my Pops being under the weather so blogging will be light...

3.  Comments.  I'm amazed that this can be so contentious.  I prefer Open Comments to cover topics that are of interest to readers.  They've been free flowing and often touch on political/social/military topics that I haven't heard of.  Lately its devolved into a Turkey vs Greece fight.  That ain't cool.  On a personal note I tell people to focus on the here and now and make plans for the future.  Be aware of the past but if you dwell on it you're cheating yourself.  Same applies here.  But to add to even that I just don't care.  Specifically ALPAY post topics on the Turkish military.  I welcome that and if I had readers posting about their nations efforts I'd welcome it too (Russia, China, India, Romania, Poland, S. Africa and all points inbetween).  I don't welcome the debate about wars/conflicts/issues from the past.  I don't do it with the civil rights fight and won't allow it with other things.  If you go there then expect the comments to be deleted (when I get around to it).

4.  Hang in with me boys...we'll be back to normal soon.

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