Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Why is America reopening? Quarantine fatigue...

via Atlantic
#StayHome had its moment. The United States urgently needed to flatten the curve and buy time to scale up health-care capacity, testing, and contact tracing. But quarantine fatigue is real. I’m not talking about the people who are staging militaristic protests against the supposed coronavirus hoax. I’m talking about those who are experiencing the profound burden of extreme physical and social distancing. In addition to the economic hardship it causes, isolation can severely damage psychological well-being, especially for people who were already depressed or anxious before the crisis started. In a recent poll by the Kaiser Family Foundation, nearly half of Americans said that the coronavirus pandemic has harmed their mental health.

Meanwhile, most public-health experts agree that a premature return to the old version of normalcy would be disastrous. States continue to lack the capacity for widespread coronavirus testing or contact tracing. Serologic testing to date suggests that the majority of the population is still susceptible to infection. A vaccine is months or even years away. New cases continue to rise, with thousands of people dying each day, and those numbers will inevitably increase if communities go back to business as usual.
But the choice between staying home indefinitely and returning to business as usual now is a false one. Risk is not binary. And an all-or-nothing approach to disease prevention can have unintended consequences. Individuals may fixate on unlikely sources of contagion—the package in the mail, the runner or cyclist on the street—while undervaluing precautions, such as cloth masks, that are imperfect but helpful.

Public-health campaigns that promote the total elimination of risk, such as abstinence-only sex education, are a missed opportunity to support lower-risk behaviors that are more sustainable in the long term. Abstinence-only education is not just ineffective, but it’s been associated with worse health outcomes, in part because it deprives people of an understanding of how to reduce their risk if they do choose to have sex. And without a nuanced approach to risk, abstinence-only messaging can inadvertently stigmatize anything less than 100 percent risk reduction. Americans have seen this unfold in real time over the past two months as pandemic shaming—the invective, online and in person, directed at those perceived as violating social-distancing rules—has become a national pastime.

This is a pretty interesting article but I want to touch on another issue.

The medical profession is again slow on the uptake, misreading the public and missing a huge opportunity to be seen as the saviors of the country.

Instead they will be viewed (in my opinion) as pushing a cure that was worst than the disease.

Why do I say that?

First we have to look at what we were seeing when the virus was rampaging thru New York City.  On one hand we saw videos of nurses talking into cameras with tears in their eyes talking about how hard they were working, how they didn't have enough PPE, and how it looked like a war zone in their emergency rooms.

What happened later?

We're hearing calls for patients to return to emergency rooms and to return to hospitals in general because so many people obeyed instructions to stay away unless they were suffering from covid-19. 

We saw videos of medical staff doing group dances outside of hospitals that had to be choreographed.

Then when the first appearance of quarantine fatigue showed up, they again rushed back to tell us that we needed to stay at home while adding a new requirement to reopen.  A testing regime that seemingly came out of nowhere.


We've seen people all over the country basically defying stay at home orders.  They might not be going to work but they are out and about. 

The reality?

America is done with the stay at home order.  Governors are finally cluing into this and are doing a slow motion opening because if they don't they know they'll basically have a revolt on their hands.

The mainstream press is still pushing the medical theme of continuing the stay at home orders but they're behind the power curve and APPEAR to have motives that I can't quite determine.

The unfortunate thing?

The medical community is missing a golden opportunity and Dr Faucci is setting himself up for failure.  More calls to prolong the quarantine will paint him in a horrible light in flyover country.  While it might prove popular in the NE corridor outside of those elite circles it will be seen as out of touch with normal people's reality.

Rank and file doctors and nurses will be seen as initially helping and then hindering progress while doing dance videos and enjoying the privilege of work while everyone else was being told to stay home and watch their incomes evaporate before their very eyes.

One thing is certain.

America is done with these lockdowns.  Politicians and medical professionals can continue to try and fight reopening but the reality is that its here and people ... free people will not continue to be on house arrest for an indefinite time.

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