Thursday, September 10, 2020

The M1150 Assault Breacher Vehicles (ABV) are being divested from the Marine Corps (read that to mean Berger kicked them the fuck out!)

1stmardiv Moving Forward!

The M1150 Assault Breacher Vehicles (ABV) are being divested from the Marine Corps in an effort to accelerate modernization and realign 1st Combat Engineer Battalion's (1st CEB) capabilities.

Yesterday, Marines with 1st CEB disembarked the ABV's from San Mateo as a part of Force Design 2030.

(U.S. Marine Corps photos by Cpl. Jailine L. AliceaSantiago)

The M1150 Assault Breacher Vehicles (ABV) are being divested from the Marine Corps in an effort to accelerate modernization and realign 1st Combat Engineer Battalion's (1st CEB) capabilities.
Yesterday, Marines with 1st CEB disembarked the ABV's from San Mateo as a part of Force Design 2030.
(U.S. Marine Corps photos by Cpl. Jailine L. AliceaSantiago)
Read all that bullshit happy talk to mean that Berger kicked them the fuck out and that Ground Combat Power no longer exists in the Missile Marine Corps.

This is not the Marine Corps that we all know.  The Missile Marines will be incapable of land combat.  The Missile Marines will FAIL in their efforts to influence the sea battle (just like the disbanded coastal defense units of WW2 failed against the Japanese and ended up being killed or captured) and they will be useless anywhere but in the Pacific.

Our beloved Marine Corps is dead.

We are witnessing the birth of the Missile Marines.

Better to change the name of the organization than sully its reputation with the abomination that we're seeing developed before our eyes.