Monday, December 28, 2020

Army Special Forces Soldier Accused in Illinois Mass Shooting

 via Heavy

Webb is an active duty special forces soldier in the U.S. Army who was named by authorities as the suspect accused in the mass shooting at Don Carter’s bowling alley in Rockford, Illinois. Three people were killed, and three others were injured. “We believe this is a completely random act,” the police chief, Dan O’Shea, said in a December 27 news conference. Webb, a sergeant, was on leave at the time of the shooting, authorities said.

Police are in contact with the U.S. Army about Duke Webb, he said. He’s facing three murder charges and three attempted murder charges. He tried to disguise himself when police arrived, according to the chief. O’Shea said the motive is not clear, but it’s not believed that the suspect knew the victims, who have not yet been named by authorities. The motive is not yet clear. A bar and carryout restaurant were open when the shooting occurred.


Shaking my head on this one.

I get the feeling but I can't put my finger on it that the force is breaking. 

I don't know if its deployments, coronavirus, the social stuff, or what but something is breaking.  The cracks are there if you look.

The thing that has me spinning is that leaders don't seem to realize the chaos/friction they're causing.

The Army seems to have something special going on though.  Fatal-ville, I mean Fayetteville is on a tear lately.  I didn't post on it but an Airborne Troop was found in the water decapitated.  Another SF Soldier (if I recall correctly) killed his wife and then himself.

I can see a bit of the stuff going on the Marines/Navy.  Don't know what's going on with the Army but outside of the Air Force and Coast Guard, the Pentagon is in pain.