Thursday, December 24, 2020

Democrat infighting over the new SecDef...the Flournoy faction strikes back!

 via Politico

President-elect Joe Biden’s historic choice for secretary of defense is running into hurdles on Capitol Hill, as key Democrats express concerns publicly and privately about whether installing a retired four-star general at the helm of the Pentagon further erodes civilian oversight of the military.

Rep. Seth Moulton, an influential member of the House Armed Services Committee, on Wednesday became the most prominent House Democrat to say he will not vote to grant retired Gen. Lloyd Austin a waiver to the law barring recently retired military officers from serving as defense secretary.



This is gonna be one hell of a fur ball and a big time faction splitting headache for Biden.

In different corners (sorry gotta be actual and factual) you have Blacks, Academics/Political Class, Women and the hoped for emerging Vet split (maybe, don't have a good read) for the Dems.

Mainly though you have the Flournoy faction pushing hard for her selection.

I've never seen anything like this since the mad rush to select Mattis for SecDef (and I thought that was a one off).

The entire establishment seems to be behind her.

Biden doesn't seem sold.

Not at all.

I don't know what gives but instead of the consensus pick he rolled with Austin. It couldn't be because the pick would be historic.  It would be historic with Flournoy.

Could it be cold politics?

Biden couldn't have won the nomination without the Black turnout in South Carolina that resurrected his dying campaign so maybe.

I don't know.  I don't follow the inside the Beltway stuff and the Beltway likes their secrets anyway so this will never hit the news.

One thing is certain though.  This bears watching!

Side note.  I just remembered one thing though.  Flournoy is an INTENSE China critic and she'll be all onboard the Pentagon's push to pivot.  Could that actually be a reason why Biden doesn't want her?????

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