Monday, December 28, 2020

Latest controversy. Was the bombing in Nashville terrorism?


This is an interesting one to me.  Was the bombing in Nashville terrorism?

Some are saying that it is without a doubt while other contend that it was destructive but something else.

One thing though.

I know that there is a legal definition of terrorism.  I get that, but this case is a bit different for me.


Have you ever heard of a terrorist announcing that a bomb will go off and warning people to evacuate?  Have you ever heard of a terrorist going after a target when its guaranteed that few people will be in the area?

I'm curious to see where ya'll come down on this issue but for me this was highly destructive and disruptive but falls short.

What do you guys think?

Sidenote.  My rational is body count.  You destroy buildings etc...they can be rebuilt/replaced.  Human life is different and this guy by all that I've read seems to have wanted to avoid human casualties (besides his own).