Thursday, December 24, 2020

Where did this myth of the Boxer IFV having unmatched ground mobility come from?


Thanks to THINK DEFENCE for the vid.


Where did this myth of the Boxer IFV having unmatched ground mobility come from?  For that matter where did the idea of WHEELED IFVs having the same cross country capability as tracked vehicles!

The reality is simple.

Wheeled vehicles are cheaper to operate and a BIT easier to maintain (maintenance will still be a bear, getting parts SHOULD be cheaper/easier cause they're automotive or so we're told).


Tracks are better cross country.  Full stop.  That's the facts!

So let's put the idea that wheels can keep up with tracks cross country to bed FOREVER!  Want another kick in the pants?  With rubber tracks becoming a thing that advantage on roads that wheels currently have is gonna come down to one data point.  Weight.  With wheeled vehicles approaching the weight of medium tanks now that advantage is going away.  Prediction.  In a few years everyone will be on an all tracks all the time just like wheels are all the rage today.

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