Saturday, January 02, 2021

Don't care about who's side you're on, the Jan 6th count of electoral college votes could sweep this nation into chaos...

I just don't know what to think.

I actually have readers on this blog and apparently a large segment of the American population thinking that a huge weapons filled rally in our nation's capital on Jan 6th during the count of the electoral college votes is a good thing.

From my chair they can't be more wrong.

I get it.

No one likes the rules that many states put in place for this coronavirus thing.

I also get that voting irregularities are being cited by many (although I have yet to read ANY report of those claims being validated).

What I do know is this.

Assume that they succeed.

What do you think the outcome of the reversal of the election will do?

This nation will burn.

Am I wrong?  I hope so but I don't see how I can be.  I don't think the authorities in DC are properly planning for this thing cause I have yet to see any activations of National Guard units OR increased activity from Federal Law Enforcement.

2020 was bad.

2021 is gonna be worse.

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