Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Was that riot actually sedition? Disorderly conduct tipped over to sedition????

 via Daily Caller

The DOJ made the announcement during a Tuesday press conference in which it also said it expects to level “hundreds” of charges against rioters in the near future. The sedition and conspiracy charges are likely relegated to the organizers of the event and potential future events around President-Elect Joe Biden’s inauguration.


I actually had to look up the definition of "sedition" and came to this conclusion (with regard to this story).

It's all gonna depend on what was said in internet chat rooms.  Additionally they're gonna have to somehow link words with ACTUAL intent.

I personally think this is gonna make great headlines for certain factions (yeah...I think we've moved to that point in the US) but will be difficult to prove in a court of law.

This whole thing is a mess.

I don't know what the right answer is but we've been edging to this type madness all year.

Someone, somewhere needs to knock it off.

But they won't.

We're screwed. 2020 was bad. 2021 is gonna be worse.

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