Wednesday, January 27, 2021

What happens when you deploy for an exercise and the host country cancels? 1,000 Marines are about to find out ... Norway gives the boot!

 via Stars & Stripes

The Marine Corps is assessing what to do with 1,000 Marines who recently arrived in Norway for a large training exercise, which was canceled because of concerns about an increase in coronavirus cases in the country.

Norwegian Defense Minister Frank Bakke-Jensen on Tuesday announced that Exercise Joint Viking had been called off.


This is interesting.  The Norwegian MOD is pretty darn efficient when it comes to defense depts so I doubt that this was a last minute call.  Correction.  I'm sure they gave the US a heads up that this could happen.

Is it a case where we just said fuck it and move forward or was it actually up in the air for a bit?

Doesn't matter I'm just curious.

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