Saturday, January 16, 2021

Ya know in defense of the riots (a little) we did wonder on this blog what the social/economic pressures of lockdown would do to the nation...

 Watching the news and thinking about the riot in DC (and a few before), we wondered on this blog what the social/economic pressures of the past years lockdown would have on the nation.

The blow up in DC might have been a HUGE part of that.

What is happening that I haven't covered on this blog?  The governor of California is facing a recall attempt from citizens of his state.

The governor of New York is NOT welcome when the Bills play.

My own governor is going to a modified stage 2 instead of lockdown in part (I believe) because he faced a literal armed rebellion if he did.

The draconian attempts to slowdown the coronavirus while NOT providing relief to business owners and others that have been adversely affected I think played a role in this thing.

It's really hard for me to gauge because my job is unaffected.  But what if it wasn't?  What if I was hanging on by my nails and the new President was looking at reimposing all those harsh rules?

Is this an excuse?


Not at all.  I consider it a possible explanation.  Understanding the "whys" of this thing could help put this country back together again.  I truly believe that this thing was led by white supremacists, anti-govt types, a FEW antifa but was filled with a bunch of "every man" types that got swept up in the emotion of the mob.

I don't care about those people one bit.

I do care about my countrymen that feel the same but stayed home.  Those are the people that we need to understand, work with and put this thing back right.

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