Wednesday, February 10, 2021

US Army conducts "littoral combat" exercises on the Black Sea...the USMC has boxed itself into the Pacific region.

 via USNI News.

The Army is concentrating this year’s major European Defender exercise on training for high-end warfare in the Balkans and the Black Sea, the service’s top general there said last week.

Speaking at an online forum of the Association of the United States Army, Gen. Christopher Cavoli, commanding general of U.S. Army Europe and Africa Command, said final planning is underway for the exercise scheduled for late spring or early summer. It would take place around the Black Sea, waters that have drawn an increased amount of American naval presence through freedom of navigation operations, and emphasize the use of high-end enablers in conflict.


Left unsaid thru out the article is the use of Army anti-ship missiles to "shape the sea battle".

You can bet that capability will be simulated though.

If the Army does this in Europe then you can bet it'll follow thru to the Middle East.

Which leaves the USMC as a one region force, waiting for a war that might never come.