Wednesday, March 24, 2021

USMC to get rid of dozens of AH-1Zs and UH-1Ys...

 via The Drive.

 U.S. Marine Corps plans to put around 20 percent of its combined AH-1Z Viper attack helicopter and UH-1Y Venom armed utility helicopter fleets in long-term storage by the end of this decade. This is part of the service's radical restructuring effort, known as Force Design 2030, which is scaling back or outright eliminating various traditional capabilities, such as the complete divestment of all of its M1 Abrams main battle tanks. The goal is to craft a more flexible Marine Corps with new capabilities, including various longer-range ground-based missiles and a greater emphasis on unmanned capabilities, that are better suited to the future distributed warfare concepts of operations that it is now developing.

The Marine Corps plans to remove 27 AH-1Zs and 26 UH-1Ys from service as part of Force Design 2030, according to a statement The War Zone received from the service's top headquarters today. At least two AH-1Zs are already headed for the Boneyard at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Arizona, as part of the inactivation of Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 367 (HMLA-367) at Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Kaneohe Bay in Hawaii. That unit is expected to stand down completely by the end of the 2022 Fiscal Year, as will Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron 463 (HMH-463), as the Marines work to shutter all conventional helicopter units in Hawaii as part of Force Design 2030.

Story here. 

Told ya.

Next up for the chopping block?  LAR.  Oh and you bubbas over at AAV get your resumes together.  The ACV being bought aren't long for Marine Corps just doesn't fit with Berger's vision.  All the bros in the Infantry Battalions better talk to an Army recruiter.  Won't be a place for you in Berger's Marine Corps REAL SOON!  Speaking of talking to an Army Recruiter.  THE ENTIRE MARINE CORPS better start making plans.  That long talked about reduction in force to 150K is coming sooner than you think.  Worse?  He'll dip below that mark.  He'll hit close to 100K and talk shit about how the Marine Corps is still bigger than the Army that most European nations can field.

This dude is 10 times more dangerous than Amos (and I thought Amos was a nightmare).

This dude is a true believer in his set piece wargames, the fraudulent results they produced and believes that the path he's laid out is correct.

He won't broker any dissent.

He's moving fast so that the Marine Corps fails to see what's happening before its too late.

He's is truly disruptive and is doom on the Marine Corps.

It's almost like he's on a mission to kill the organization he leads.