Monday, April 05, 2021

The decomposition of the MAGTF is both necessary and appropriate in the context of a naval campaign?

 Thanks to PTS for the link!

via USNI

Since the advent of MAGTFs just after the Korean War, Marine Corps aviation has jealously husbanded its resources to support Marine Corps ground units. Similarly, Navy aviation has been responsive to the fleet, largely working under a unified strike warfare commander organized under a CWC.6 The future of naval aviation is no different, as the same supply-and-demand mismatches will persist. Given that both Navy and Marine Corps forces will be campaigning together for sea control and sea denial, Navy and Marine Corps aviation should integrate at the tactical level, responsive to the CWC. This integrated tactical aviation element, hereafter called the maritime air combat element (MACE), would unify the aviation effort in support of the CWC.

The MACE would be commanded by an aviator from the service with the preponderance of assets and ability to command and control those assets. Such practice has for decades been standard for determining the commander of air components.7 For example, should an embarked Marine expeditionary unit (MEU) join a carrier strike group in a CWC construct, the MEU’s ACE likely would snap to the control of the commander of the carrier’s air wing. Conversely, should a Marine aircraft wing be deployed under a CWC, a carrier air wing may subordinate to Marine aircraft wing control to prosecute the naval campaign.

The MACE commander would undertake standard aviation functions, such as planning aviation operations, the use of airspace, and the availability of aircraft, tasking aircraft with missions, and similar functions. The MACE commander also would execute aviation operations, provide air and missile defense to maritime forces, and coordinate with adjacent and subordinate commanders. Most important, the MACE commander may be granted composite warfare commander or coordinator responsibilities, such as strike warfare commander, air and missile defense commander, and air resources element coordinator, among others.8

Granting air and missile defense commander responsibilities to an aviation commander is not standard practice within the Navy. Such responsibilities are typically handled by the captain of a cruiser, because of its superb maritime air-defense capabilities.9 However, the Marine Corps shore-based sensors and air C2 agencies allow Marine aviation commanders to fulfill air responsibilities, like Navy air and missile defense commanders. Marine Corps sensors, tactical data links, and C2 capabilities have capacity to protect vital areas within a composite warfare force structure and to contribute to the broader maritime and theater air defense plans.10 Therefore, given the combined counterair capabilities of the Navy and Marine Corps, tasking the MACE commander with air and missile defense commander responsibilities may be a prudent decision. Similarly, if Marine Corps shore-based capabilities are deployed as part of a MACE, Marine Corps aviation also contains, organically, the ability to fulfill the roles of an air resources element coordinator, airspace control authority, and helicopter element coordinator.

Story here. 

Since Amos, Marine Air has been looking to break away from its role of supporting Marines on the ground.

This proposal is fully in line with Berger's it'll be applauded.

The problem?

Marine Air integrates with Navy Air.  Marine Ground transforms into a missile force.  Army designates a couple of division to the Pacific to support the Navy fight.  The USAF does the same with a couple of its Wings.

What makes the Marine Corps unique at the end of the day?

What is the Marine Corps doing that the other services aren't doing to a greater degree?

What is the NEW hallmark of the Marine Corps?

Missile firing?

Naval aviation?

Long range raids?

None of that is unique.

None of that is special.

And remember.  We're out of the amphibious assault mission (yet we're operating INSIDE the enemies engagement zone...not having to penetrate it!!!!).

A Marine Officer said the seat of power is on land.  We won't be players in that so you should see the end of the Marine Corps on the horizon just like I do.

Berger's concept is killing the Marine Corps.

Sidenote.  Marine Air gobbled up the Marine Corps but Naval Integration will kill it.

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