Sunday, June 13, 2021

Former Sec Of the Navy/Marine Corps Jim Webb takes apart Berger's folly point by point. MUST READ!

 Thanks to CoffeeJoeJava for the link!

via National Interest (just snippets...READ THE WHOLE THING!)

Interestingly, when citing his philosophical inspiration at the outset of his proposal, General Berger chose to ignore two centuries of innovative and ground-breaking role models who guided the Marine Corps through some of its most difficult challenges. The giants of the past—John LeJeune, Arthur Vandegrift, Clifton Cates, Robert Barrow and Al Gray, just for starters—were passed over, in favor of a quote from a professor at the Harvard Business School who never served. Many Marines, past and present, view this gesture as a symbolic putdown of the Corps’ respected leadership methods and the historic results they have obtained.

Much more important is the potentially irreversible content of the proposal itself. If authorized, appropriated and put into place, this plan would eliminate many of the Marine Corps’ key capabilities. It could permanently reduce the long-standing mission of global readiness that for more than a century has been the essential reason for its existence as a separate service. Its long-term impact would undo the value of the Marine Corps as the one-stop guarantor of a homogeneous tactical readiness that can “go anywhere, fight anybody, and win.” And after the centuries it took to establish the Marine Corps as a fully separate military service, it could reduce its present role by making it again subordinate to the funding and operational requirements of the Navy. 


 While it is certainly useful to develop contingency plans should Marines be called upon to conduct such limited tactical interventions, building a force around this concept is not a bold leap into the future. Rather, it reflects a misunderstanding of the past, as well as ignoring the unpredictability of war itself. Such scenarios are hardly a full reflection of “what the Nation requires of the Marine Corps.” The General seems to acknowledge that when he states in his proposal, “We need better answers to the question, “what does the Navy need from the Marine Corps?”  (SNAFU! Note.  This is a fundamental failing of Berger's Concept..the question should NOT be what the Navy needs from the Marine Corps, the question SHOULD BE ... WHAT DOES THE NATION NEED FROM THE MARINE CORPS!!!!)


 Depending on how limited one views the future responsibilities of the Marine Corps, this plan is erected on a fragile house of cards: that future Marine Corps operational commitments should be shaped by the reduction of front-line infantry battalions, whose casualties in any sustained engagement would quickly require replacements that may not be available if the battlespace expands; by subjecting Marine Corps commitments to the needs of the Navy; and by an unproved reliance on the augmentation of combat units such as aviation assets and tanks from other services that may not be available and who will not have trained with the Marine Corps.


 The proposal was based on extensive wargaming, in which the new Commandant has great confidence. But it is axiomatic that experimental war games (like staff studies) can be biased through subtle control of the methodology decided upon by those who design the war game. There is no greater danger in military strategy than shaping a nation’s force structure to respond to one specific set of contingencies, giving an adversary the ability to adjust and adapt beforehand. Nor would it serve the country’s long-term interests for the Marine Corps to careen from two decades of overemphasis in the Middle East to a fixation with narrow naval scenarios in places like the South China Sea.


 The most important evolution of the Marine Corps in our national security posture has been as an immediately deployable, fully capable expeditionary force, with an included mission of amphibious assault. And this has usually required “sustained land operations.” (SNAFU! NOTE...YES! YES! YES!  A Trillion times YES!)


I could basically copy and paste this whole article cause trying to grab the good parts is failing badly.


I'm beyond pleased.

I'm grinning like an idiot.

The scrubs (I include myself in this) exit stage left.  The powerhouses have now entered the fray. 

This is a good thing.

Time is running out for Berger to implement this thing.  The Navy's budget is a mess that will take the strength of Hercules to unwind.  And finally the tribe is NOT sold on this madness.

We can beat it back, take the good parts (what few there are) and make them apart of the MAGTF and then jettison the rest.

There is a chance to save the Marine Corps from it's leadership...assuming we're not too late.

Read the entire article here.