Sunday, June 13, 2021

So now the ACV is a deep attack vehicle?

via National Interest
The ACV, in development for several years, is replacing the existing Corps AAV and configured

with 8 x 8 wheels for greater speed, maneuverability, and survivability on land. As a tracked vehicle, the legacy AAV is not as mobile for land attack, and the new ACV is engineered for long-range sea-land attack operations. 

The ACV can travel roughly thirteen miles through the water at speeds up to six knots and reach 60 miles per hour on land for hundreds of miles inland. The wheeled configuration of the ACV removes torsion bars, a design feature which can add new possibilities such as the addition of a V-shaped hull. The ACV is able to carry up to 200 gallons of fuel for a 365-mile mission and weighs 30 tons. It is built with a digitized drivers instrument panel, unmanned turret able to integrate a 30-millimeter gun and 700 horsepower engine, more powerful than the AAVs 400 horsepower engine. The ACV uses ocean water to cool the engine and is armed with a .50-Cal machine gun.

The plus-up in ACV numbers is quite significant as well, as it appears to align with the Marine

Corps’ transforming amphibious assault strategy based on training for more cross-domain, dispersed attack concepts. With 5th-Generation air support, and manned-unmanned teaming and vastly more capable networking technologies, amphibious attack tactics continue to measurably expand.

Added cross-domain functionality not only means air-power coordination but a commensurate ability to advance and fight on land, which appears to be part of the reason the Marine Corps is both looking for larger numbers of ACVs and also building them for more extended land assault.


I am gobsmacked by this article.  Extended Land Attack?  In Berger's Marine Corps?

Either this thing has evolved behind the scenes OR he's trying to quiet the tribe with friendly articles.

I don't know.

I do know this is the first time I've heard of "extended land assault" used in the same sentence with Berger's Littoral Marine Corps.