Thursday, September 23, 2021

Anyone interested in about 100 Combat Aircraft Magazines in mint condition?

Ok gents you know the deal.  I'm down, full blown recovery mode and my girl says I'm "piddling" (basically finding shit to do).

Well I was going thru my "stuff" and decided it was time to downsize.

First up is my library.  I know.  Setup that Amazon store or go on E-Bay and sell it right?

Naw.  Don't feel like the hassle and drama.  So here's the deal. Someone in my tribe (probably more than one) is interested in aviation too.

Well I have over 100 Combat Aircraft Magazines in MINT condition (quite meticulous in taking care of my reading material) and I'll send them in bulk (or pieces) to those of my readership that want them.  

The catch?

Just reimburse me for shipping.  I hate to just toss this, don't feel like setting up that a store on Amazon/E-Bay so this is what I came up with.

Any takers?

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