Recovering from this surgery so I'm "piddling" around (that's what my girl calls it) doing a few things while I heal up.
I take a look at library and it dawns on me. I haven't cracked one of those books in YEARS!!!!
Time to downsize.
I jump thru the usual hoops.
"I know I'll sell it on Ebay or Amazon". Then it hits me. I've done that shit before and its a huge pain in the ass. People are as nutty as fruit cakes and its just not worth the effort.
"I know I'll toss it to readers". Well you fuckers ain't dumb. The shipping costs would eat you alive. I get it. No issues.
"I know I'll toss it to a local school". Called two of them and they said they NO LONGER have libraries! Everything is online! Fuck me sideways...didn't know that was thing now!
"Give it to jails/prisons for inmates"? FUCK NO! Those bastards will just tear the pages out so they can smoke some illegal substance that some son of a bitch smuggled in the place inside his jail pocket (ass if you don't know....don't even get me to explain how a man can KNOWINGLY smoke something that another man had stuck up his ass!).
Ok. I'm not built to give up. Let me do this another way.
I go online.
I look for organizations that donate books to the needy, troops overseas etc.
Only one I found that tickled my fancy (worked with Salvation Army and the personnel I worked with left me feeling like I was dealing with advanced criminals...nothing against them but that's my viewpoint...most definitely does NOT apply to the whole organization) was the Vietnam Veterans Of America.
They don't pick up in my area...too rural I guess.
Long Story Short (If you're still with me then you're awesome!) is that the Marine Corps...SINCE DAY 1 OF BOOT CAMP...POUNDED INTO US....
* You will be physically fit. You will workout everyday and twice on Sunday. Unless you're dying you will get it in! FUCK WHAT THE DOCTOR SAYS YOU WILL GET IT IN!
* You will be mentally fit. You will SEEK TO LEARN on a daily basis. You will read books off the Commandant's Reading List and YOU will expand your horizons beyond that.
So many years ago I thought. Wow! I dig that shit. I'm WITH that shit!
Fast forward to today.
I'm doing the physical fitness thing. Still digging that shit.
The mentally fit thing I'm still doing. But damn it! I have an awesome library. More books than anyone but a person that's served in the Marine Corps would everything is possible (I leave out professors...they're weird) and now......
Now I have to trash a good portion of it.
I hate the world. No one values books anymore....We're losing a bit of our greatness and don't even know it.
End Of Rant!