Tuesday, November 30, 2021

British Pathfinders HAHO jumping at 15000ft

Open Comment Post. 30 Nov 21

Wels Catfish via Fishing_Lol_Addiction

That's pretty darn interesting! Google says you can eat the small ones, but the biggies are fatty/contanminated. The weird thing...besides the fish getting up to 250 pounds? The eggs are poisonous!

Latvian Mechanized Brigade @ Winter Shield 2021

1st Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment @ Exercise ROYAL RUMBLE


GIGN participated in a dynamic demonstration for IHEDN, CHEM and EDG

Note. I have no idea who IHEDN, CHEM or EDG is!
translated by Google
Last Friday, GIGN participated in a dynamic demonstration for the benefit of IHEDN, CHEM and EDG. The imagined scenario was to explain the DIAG, an intervention device augmented by the gendarmerie. This system implements the complementarity of means up to specialized intervention in the context of very degraded situations such as armed confrontations. As an echo to the news, at the heart of the urban violence reproduced in the demonstration, the GIGN intervened to neutralize a ram car and arrest a sniper while the mobile gendarmerie secured the area. It is this complentarity and this commitment of the forces that are currently at the heart of the maneuver in the West Indies.
© GIGN communication unit

Australian Army's 1st Commando Regiment @ Exercise Star Leopard

Spanish Army's 'Dragon' VCR 8X8 combat vehicle demonstrated to Dignitaries (video)

'Dragon' VCR 8X8 combat vehicle demonstrated to Dignitaries (pics)

Monday, November 29, 2021

Russian K-16 shown in uparmored form.

Note. The Dead District Twitter Blog & S400 posted pics of this vehicle earlier this week but I can't find them. I'm using Rob's page to pass it to the masses.

Open Comment Post. 29 Nov 21


Canadian Army is working hard to stabilize saturated dyke systems.


Water levels are on the rise in the Valley again. Tonight the Canadian Army is working hard in the Sumas region to stabilize saturated dyke systems.

The Immediate Response Unit is comprised of D Squadron of the Lord Strathcona Horse, and is supported by 39 Canadian Brigade Group Domestic Response Company from the BC Army Reserve.
More Pics...


Soldiers from Lord Strathcona’s Horse (Royal Canadians) and 39 CBG deployed to Clayburn Village in Abbotsford, British Columbia to set up sandbag walls in anticipation of more rainfall in the region.