Tuesday, November 30, 2021

GIGN participated in a dynamic demonstration for IHEDN, CHEM and EDG

Note. I have no idea who IHEDN, CHEM or EDG is!
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Last Friday, GIGN participated in a dynamic demonstration for the benefit of IHEDN, CHEM and EDG. The imagined scenario was to explain the DIAG, an intervention device augmented by the gendarmerie. This system implements the complementarity of means up to specialized intervention in the context of very degraded situations such as armed confrontations. As an echo to the news, at the heart of the urban violence reproduced in the demonstration, the GIGN intervened to neutralize a ram car and arrest a sniper while the mobile gendarmerie secured the area. It is this complentarity and this commitment of the forces that are currently at the heart of the maneuver in the West Indies.
© GIGN communication unit

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