Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Modest Proposal. The USMC should build Tactical Athletes. Forget the crossfit fad (CFT) focus on nutrition!

My opinion.

The Marine Corps has been attacking the fitness problem from the wrong angle.

The CFT is just the fevered dreams of a couple of crossfit Capts that got the ear of the Commandant (Amos....yeah I know...I was active at the time and thought it was batshit stupid...squad, platoon and even company PT could point out the weak and get them up to speed).

Go at the nutrition angle.

But do it with a twist.  Remember you're building new infantry battalions that operate dispersed, have a light foot print, are less dependent on resupply.

In short you're gonna have to follow the lead of the Navy SEALs.

The Marine Corps needs to embrace the KETO diet to build warriors that can go a long time before climbing into their rucksacks, and if the proper mix of protein is added (I guess I'm really calling for a high protein/low carb diet) they'll add muscle while gaining endurance.

The rub?

You're gonna have to totally redesign  MREs.  Out goes the candy.  Out goes much of the carbs.  It will probably be a bit more expensive but once adapted to the diet the need to transport as many MREs will greatly reduce.

If you want to take it a step further you could train Marines to adopt the One Meal A Day (OMAD) diet so that they became oriented to operating off eating as the diet suggests...ONE TIME A DAY!

I remember stories by Vietnam Veterans that marveled at the ability of the Viet Cong to operate off little food and limited resupply.

The Marine Corps SHOULD NOT turn itself into a modern day guerilla force but the concept demands a bit more self discipline than we've seen before out of our units.

If the idea of Marines charging pillboxes mostly armed with grit and determination is the vision we have of ourselves then getting onboard a diet that will improve performance should be no big deal.

The Marine Corps should be demanding its Marines become Tactical Athletes service wide.  

To accomplish that diet is 80% of the puzzle.

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