Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Reconnaissance Leaders Course

Reconnaissance Leaders Course: (RLC) is designed to make Reconnaissance Leaders that can thrive in the future operating environment. Regardless of rank, if you are not confident at public speaking, and briefing to a commanding General for your mission, you will loose that fear in this course or be dropped well before you are put in front of Field Grade Officers. Corporals to Captains attend this course.

Students of RLC 2-21 in their Third Phase of training after Yuma AZ. These men are in full-mission profile patrols featuring robust scenarios which forced them as students to make leadership decisions and execute contingencies. 

Each patrol required detailed planning and coordination with supporting units in order to facilitate air, fire support, insert, extract, Quick Reaction Force (QRF), resupply, medevac, and other contingency-related actions during the mission.     

Students fulfilling the Team Leader billet received valuable exposure while briefing their mission plan to a field grade officer or above.  

Rugged terrain, austere reconnaissance objectives, to include open-ocean insertion, made for a tough, realistic environment for students to execute the full breadth of their planned patrols.  

Integration with Radio Reconnaissance Platoon (3DRADBN) provided an expanded SIGINT environment where students exercised signature management, I/W, and signal collections in the accomplishment of their mission. 

Each mission featured a robust script and organic scenario where enemy signal emissions became an integral part of the Reconnaissance Team’s collections plan. 
The RLC 2-21 FINEX culminated with RLC students receiving a FRAGO, moving to link up with indigenous forces, and conducting planning at a remote mission support site.  Final mission briefing was delivered over a terrain model to MGen Hashimoto from MARFORPAC.
Fire support coordinator from 12th Marines facilitated the Fire Support planning for each mission.
VIPs for three confirmation briefs consisted of BGen Clearfield, LtCol Byron Owen, and MGen Hashimoto.
OK.  Don't know who this bubba is but he looks hard as woodpecker lips.  Another one of those little dudes that will rip out your heart and show it to you before you die....

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