Hackers brought down dozens of Ukrainian government websites on Friday and posted a message on one saying, “Be afraid and expect the worst,” a day after a breakdown in diplomatic talks between Russia and the West intended to forestall a threatened Russian invasion of the country.
Diplomats and analysts have been anticipating a cyberattack on Ukraine, but proving the source of such actions is notoriously difficult. Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry did not directly blame Russia for the attack, but pointedly noted that there was a long record of Russian online assaults against Ukraine.
NOTE>I believe Russian hackers or proxies for Russia sent this message.
Ukraine ain't ready.
They aren't in NATO.
They have rampant corruption and even have a brigade of Neo-Nazis.
Covid is running wild worldwide, people all over the country are tired of the restrictions, inflation is a problem and for the first time in my memory we're seeing empty shelves in the US.
Do you think that any Western govt will be able to rally their people to send troops to defend Ukraine?
Sorry. It's harsh. It ain't what you want to hear. But it is the truth.
This is turning into a terrible term for Biden. His presidency MIGHT go down as being incompetent beyond belief.
The Afghan withdrawal. Terrible economy. Empty shelves. Covid still raging after he declared independence from the virus along with many Americans not wanting to get on with life now that the "science" says we need to live with it.
Add a successful Russian invasion into Ukraine and Biden/Dems hopes are done in 22 and 24.
Putin holds Biden's fate in his hands. Biden might be screwed anyway if he can't improve the previous but add an invasion of Ukraine to the mix and its all but over.
He will be constrained like no modern president ever has been if the Republicans win.
You want Russian interference? This could be the REAL interference.
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