Monday, January 17, 2022

Why Senator Murphy? Why must we stand with Ukraine?

Sounds good. I'm sure the national defense hawks are all screeching and falling at your feet with this stance.

But why Senator?

Why should we stand with Ukraine?

What's in it for us?  How does this move forward our national interests?

Are you asking for young men and women to fight another useless war for hard to define reasons?  Will you lead the charge or just make another Senate speech to crying mothers and fathers?

If you can't explain it in clear language then it doesn't make sense. If you can't explain it without meaningless terms like "freedom" and "justice" and the desire of the Ukrainian to live free then I have difficulty in understanding your reasoning.

How many fights are we gonna get into before we get into a fight for national survival and our forces are spent, worn out or we're bankrupt?

Time to bring the troops back from the frontier.  

Time to focus on OUR interests and OUR interests alone.

It's time for the US to stop being the world's bitch.

Sidenote.  Instead of sending Rangers/Special Forces/Seals/MARSOC to Ukraine we should probably send them to LA/Chicago/Atlanta and other big cities seeing crime spike beyond belief.  We probably should send a couple of Stryker Brigades to the border to control that situation.  Why are we dancing all over the world when we have such massive problems at home?