Saturday, February 05, 2022

Another comment that needs its own blog post...

 If the US "retreats" from Europe it has no chance against the Russia China Iran North Korea bloc. For the simple reason that western Europe has a lot of people with the same mentality of retreating and "accommodating" Russia. Germany has already surrendered, Italy is well Italy and France leadership is opportunistic and weak. UK has been "encouraged" by the same Russia loving conservatives to leave EU and stop being a counterbalance to Germany.

What the absolute fuck.

You want the reality?

Europe has a larger GDP than the US.  Has a larger population. Has similar (in some cases) superior tech.  Has a higher standard of living.  Has robust social safety nets.  Has lower crime.  Has an equal (and when it comes to schooling before college superior) education system.

So considering all of the above AND a whole lot of things that I didn't list (help me out guys) it boggles the imagination why we need to SUBSIDIZE European Defense!

We're not only doing it with out money, but we're also being asked to do it with the LIVES of our service men & women.

I call bullshit on this.

Retreat from Europe?  More like get smart and put America first...once we're sorted out then we MIGHT lend a hand if you really need it.

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