Monday, February 21, 2022

Hot Take on the only war that really matters in the Pentagon...the budget.

 This is my hot take.

If I was Chief Of Staff Of the US Army, I would immediately send Putin a thank you note.  

This whole drama and the tired old attitudes in the Washington DC (along with a whole bunch of whining from our allies) has just saved the Army's budget.

Before this drama, the Army was fighting for relevance (not the Marine Corps...the freaking Army).

Policy makers had honed in (finally) on the threat that is China and the whole apparatus was swinging to confront the real threat.

Not anymore.  This group CANNOT walk and chew bubble gum. All eyes are on Ukraine (note that we don't have a defense treaty with Ukraine...that's why you don't see troops there...IT IS NOT THE SAME AS TAIWAN!!!).

Inflation is out of control.

Gas and food prices are spiking and shelves are still sometimes bare.

Rents/Housing is reaching the point of being beyond the reach of the average consumer.

Crime.. if you feel safe outside your home then you've lost your mind.  Homeless people, gangs, meth/crack/fenny and all the rest of the drugees are zooming around and that doesn't include the usual car jackers, thieves, stick up kids and plain psychos that cross your path everyday and you never know about it.

We have enough worries at home PLUS China that will kill us all. The Europeans really should be handling this mess, not the US.

Want the sad facts.  

The Indo-Pacific is home to more than half the world’s people, nearly two-thirds of the world’s economy and seven of the world’s largest militaries. 

Even worse?  Our entire strategy in the Pacific depends on the US working with allies.  The EABO concept requires us to setup on foreign territory to launch missiles.

How many of you think that once the US crosses swords with China (or looks like it will) that anyone in the region is gonna get in the middle of that.

They won't!

So we're focused on Ukraine, we have troubles at home that need sorting out and our REAL foe is sitting back getting stronger while we continue to spread ourselves thinner and thinner.

We're being so stupid we deserve what's coming. 

But the Army's budget just got saved because everyone is emoting instead of thinking.