Friday, February 11, 2022

I wanted to pop out a comment and reply that me and a reader had about the situation in Ukraine and see what others think...


Looks like it's really going to happen. I thought for sure Putin is bluffing he's not dumb enough to kill the Russian economy but I reckon he has backed himself into a corner. Wishful thinking on my part because an invasion the US/NATO, especially with the global elites running the US and Europe, would somehow find a way to make sure to get involved militarily. Is the US/NATO going to stop flying ISR aircraft over eastern Ukraine? Why would they when they are invited by the sovereign government of Ukraine. What happens if Russia shoots a US/NATO aircraft down? We're being set up. This will be the war where US and Russia shoot at each other.

My reply.  Remember this was just quick and dirty.  



he hasn't backed himself into a corner. he's backed the US/NATO into a corner. think about this. the US stock market just went down over 500 points today. why? inflation. fuel prices spiking on war concerns. what do you think will happen if Russia invades? oil is gonna be sky high. does the US and NATO press forward with sanctions? the US might. the greens are in control in the White House and they won't give a fuck if oil is 8 dollars a gallon. the US people will feel differently. that alone will accelerate inflation. that alone will basically kill the Biden admin.

Republicans will be back in charge.

Biden is all but finished and the dems have lost control of the house and senate for at least 8 years (assuming Trump isn't re-elected).

add sanctions to the list and this whole apple cart goes sideways. Prices across the board (not just oil) will skyrocket. we're looking at FIRST runaway inflation across the globe. SECOND we're looking at the monster that can't be tamed. DEFLATION! that will spiral and then the whole world will face the world wide depression that we're probably overdue for.

in the US that's just the economic concerns. we're facing a crime spike from hell. half the population is STILL scared shitless about covid. workers are hesitant to go back to work and those at work are agitating for higher wages.

this little war could be the start of something big. i don't know what it is but its scary as hell.

Is this plausible or am I way off base? 

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