I got slammed for saying that when the Soviet Union broke up we had a golden opportunity to bring Russia into the EU, NATO and to help them transform into a free market system on steroids.
I stand by that!
But what I find funny is that no one is talking about the complete absence of China from the Ukrainian situation.
Russia consulted them at the beginning but I have yet to hear of any EU, NATO or even the US talking to China about the situation.
Make no mistake.
China wants no part of that cluster. I really don't blame them but they're one of the great powers and if we REALLY want to make sanctions work (assuming it comes to that) then we REALLY need them onboard.
This is what I'm talking about when I say that the US State Dept is beyond weak. They're impotent and pathetic.
Oh and be advised.
Those sanctions are gonna WRECK not Russia, but maybe the EU and most definitely the US.
You think gas prices are high now? Wait till those sanctions hit. You think you can weather that? You forget that the Federal Reserve is about to hike interest rates.
We're letting this situation build the PERFECT STORM against our own economy!
Let me add another widget. Did you know that there is "Stealth Omicron" floating around?
Did you know that its more transmissible AND more deadly than Omicron...more like the punch from Delta?
So we're dealing with inflation from hell, a Fed hike, sanctions, possible continuation of the pandemic, a broken/shattered Ukraine, crime spikes, a disjointed public, a crisis of morality and a weak president?
This is the perfect storm and a bunch of clowns in DC can only scream the "freedom"rant while killing the American dream.
We've been defeated NOT by the enemy but our own inept leaders.
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