Sunday, February 20, 2022

It will be fast and it will be brutal...expect cyber to cut off military leadership & missile attacks to kill civilian and military leaders...

 Just heard on the news that the order for Russian forces to begin the assault has been given.

Supposedly we will see massive cyber/electronic warfare to cut off military leadership from the forces they lead along with fire from hell in the form of missile and aircraft to kill civilian and military leaders.

Major cities will be targeted for decapitation and forces in the field will be pummeled while Russian mech forces arrive once the barrage has lifted to assault what remains of the Ukrainian infantry.

This is gonna be horrible.  Prayers up.  The pain will be immense. 

Europe is gonna be in turmoil for at least a decade.  

We have a new tar baby.  We can't get away from European needs/fear/incompetence.  

After this EVERYONE on the continent will be screaming for more troops and we'll provide them even though we have OTHER MORE IMPORTANT interests at play.

America is screwed unless we grow a pair and make those that are capable become responsible for their own security.

Sidenote.  It is unfair but the Biden admin will pay a price for the past year.  First Afghanistan, now this?  We're not even looking at the costs of sanctions

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