Saturday, February 05, 2022

LAR Sgt. Danny Gonzalez


Something is going on with LAR. Not sure what the plans are but they're sure using them in ways we haven't seen. Launching UAVs, doing this NEO exercise? They've been doing everything but their traditional mission set. Quite honestly they can take the turrets off because traditional recon seems to be a thing of the past for them. Wonder if they're setting the stage to combine LAR with ACV (and use the same vehicle) to further downsize the Marine Corps? Makes sense. Would fall in line with this EABO thing (which HQMC still can't properly message) and would probably save money (assuming they use the ACV platform). Let's face it. Berger almost put the ARV on the chopping block and while I still can't figure how the ACV fits into his concept (especially since island hopping and small units are his thing...along with amphibious assaults being out) but I sense something happening here.

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