Sunday, February 06, 2022

Leaked video of the F-35C ramp strike has me conflicted...


By now you've all seen this video.

I'm not a fan of the F-35 and even less of a fan of the F-35C. But naval aviation is inherently dangerous so I can't quite get excited about a mishap.  I am pleased that no one died, but as far as the accident?  Shit happens.

But what has me conflicted is how the military forces of the West (particularly with regard to the F-35 but other incidents are popping off I'm sure that are less high profile) handle these things.

Remember the deal with the F-35 going off the Brit carrier?

We got info on it from a leak.

This ramp strike?

We got info on it from a leak.

I want our military to be alot more forthcoming with info. I believe that the public has a right to know. BUT!!!!  If there is a good reason why they didn't release this info directly then we've got a problem.

That means that someone released classified info into the wild without authorization and we have seen NO punishment for it.

That's a recipe for continued infractions.  It's also sloppy infosec.

If its not classified and the military didn't release it themselves then it shows that they're in a fetal position and are so frightened of the public that they feel a need to hide the truth.

Either situation isn't good for our force.  

Am I wrong or did I hit it right?

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