Sunday, February 13, 2022

When Berger pitched this idea we should have known that the Marine Corps wouldn't be the Marine Corps anymore...

 via National Interest

In Proceedings, a monthly magazine published by the United States Naval Institute, General David Berger, the Commandant of the Marine Corps outlined what could end up being a new mission for the Corps: anti-submarine warfare (ASW).

Berger cites the expanding Chinese and Russian capabilities underwater as justification for a Marine ASW capability. He argues that the Corps is especially well-positioned to take on underwater assets thanks to their Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations (EABs). More specifically, Gen. Berger explained that ASW is a “campaign of sustained actions over time for undersea advantage,” and that Marine EAB assets, particularly in Europe would provide a “significant contribution to undersea warfare campaigns, including holding Chinese and Russian submarines at risk.”

We should have known when this idea was floated that the Marine Corps as we know it is no more.

Marines hunting subs?

Just plain wow.

I remember Amos talking about getting back to our roots.  Anti-sub warfare is our roots?

They ignore the history that brought the Marine Corps fame.  Belleau Woods, Khe Sanh, Iwo Jima, Fallujah...they ignore the real "touchstones" of the Corps and have embarked on this idiocy. 

This article from April 2021 told us everything we needed to know.

Berger has only added churn and friction to the mix.  Hopefully the next Commandant will fix what he has broken.

The weird thing.

Ever since Amos I can't name ONE Commandant that has left the Marine Corps in better shape than he found it.

We have experienced the worst leadership in Marine Corps history over the course of the last 3 Commandants.

Confidence is NOT high that the next one will be any better.

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