Monday, March 28, 2022

3rd Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, 2d Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force conducts Beach Landing @ Cold Response 22

Note. If amphibious assault is off the table, and the Missile Marines will land where the enemy ain't then why can't the Army just do it? If the Army will have more Anti-Ship Missiles, more UAVs, more Armored Vehicles, more Attack Helicopters and is capable of operating off Navy ships then why do we need the Missile Marines? 

If the Missile Marines are smaller than the US Marines then why do we still stand up MEFs and MEBs? The MAGTF is hopelessly broken under Berger's plan. Why does he keep legacy command structures? If the Missile Marines are falling back under Navy command then why do we even have MEFs and MEBs? 

The Missile Marines are part of the sea battle. 

There is no more ground role for these forces. 

With that being the case, Marine Air needs to change nameplates and become part of Navy Air. The Army will provide tanks? Let them also provide anti-ship missiles. Missile Marines will be part of the ISR net? We don't need them for that. We can do it better by taking the big amphibious ships and filling them with UAVs (like Turkey is doing) and control thousands of miles of air/sea with a HUGE ISR net that is less vulnerable than moving Missile Marines around by ship. 

This beach landing was supposed to be a signal that the Missile Marines will do everything the US Marines did. 

I'm not buying it. 

You're looking at a force that has no relationship to its past.

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