Sunday, March 20, 2022

American Volunteer Soldiers Used As “Cannon Fodder” In Ukraine

 Thanks to Carlton for the link!

Look. I go all over the net...probably places where I shouldn't...several govts that track us all probably know that.

But this shit had me spinning from the start.

Everyone forgot but Ukraine was fucked up before this war started.  The corruption was legion.  They've engaged with the Chinese to sell high tech that WE DID NOT want them to have. They sold weapons to people/countries that we had issues with.

Oh and they had a freaking REGIMENT of NAZIS as part of their battle order.

But the meme of fighting for freedom caught on.  The meme that civilians that never touched a rifle were keeping Russians from rampaging thru the country caught on.

In other words they emoted, believed the bullshit, saw a chance to get out the basement and play Soldier/Marine in far off lands and didn't do the simple research of finding info on how the Ukrainians were getting smashed too.

Additionally when this thing hit a fever pitch they ignored newscasts (I didn't post about it here ... do a little Google search're gonna have to look hard) that stated that when all these people returned from the war how they would have to be monitored by the govt more closely and IGNORED the warning from the Pentagon that former servicemen are asked NOT TO participate in the fighting.

Reality is a bitch.

This ain't an insurgency.

The Ukrainians don't have our (come to find out pretty damn impressive) logistics system.

Plus you're falling into units that you have no identity with (amazingly the only one that MIGHT properly utilize your skills is AZOV and that's only if you're a Nazi too!) and no connection to (which is part of the reason why "new guys" have a hard time even in Western militaries...they're an outsider and not yet part of the family).

But off they went and now we're supposed to be surprised and amazed that they're being used as cannon fodder?

I'd bet many more foreigners than advertised have been prepping the fields for the next planting.  It probably was part of the plan until they reassessed and decided that it would turn the West off to supporting them if a bunch of our sons started coming back in boxes.

This is modern war against a capable foe (you guys really should dig around the internet...Zelensky is asking for peace talks because the pressure is definitely on) this type of war you're gonna take hits.  BIG HITS.

Bubbas in the Ukrainian Foreign Legion forgot that.

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