Friday, March 11, 2022

An update on the war from a Russian reader...

 Note.  We are all living in a fog.  The only info we're getting about the course of the war is from the Ukrainians and the vids are of only success.  We all know war don't work that way.  The Ukrainians MUST be taking hits and judging by the desperation coming from Zelensky things must be going badly (just watch his latest vids).

Below is an update from a reader of this blog that is Russian.  I don't ask you to believe everything he's saying but to consider it as another tidbit of open source information so that you can properly assess the war.

Remember the first casualty of war is the TRUTH!

From my Russian reader

replied in SNAFU!

- Volnovaha is almost totatlly destroyed. DPR shows that "civilian shield" will not stop them.

- Mariupol will be leveled for 7-10 days, according to people on the ground. DPR is going hard.

- Artillery shelling of Nikolaev started. They had very smug-face governor, who boasted "he gives russian forces 2 days to surrender" - we'll see. I suspect it will be the same as Kharkov - artillery and airforce polygon. Also step by step Nikolaev is encircled.

- Mega encirclement in Donbass is getting closer. Ukraianians cant pull out their troops because of RuAF, and sitting there gives no credit.

Popular take "you wont be able to control the territory". Well, some moves already made, on liberated territories:

- All debts to Ukrianian institutions are written off. Loans, heating, electricity, gas - everything is zeroed.

- Gasoline, heating, gas, electricity prices are normalized with Russian ones (which makes them from 2 times (fuel) to 3-7 times cheaper)

- Rumour: RosGuard started night raids, visiting "pro-ukrainian" citizens. Time to pay the price.

- On liberated parts of LPR\DPR local police and other services (like prosecutor's office) join LPR's service, after brief "filtration".

- Rumour: RosGuard units have briefed personell of nuclear plants that "this plant is now belongs to Rosatom and you will be adjusting your procedures to match".

- Mobilized infantry from DPR is deployed in Kherson as "security service". Very smart move, these are very allergic to Ukrainian flags and will not think twice before firing a shot

- Units for Ministry of Security Service of LPR deployed in liberated cities and filing the case. AFAIR mayor of Melitopol was arrested for his connections with Right Sector and now being interrogated.

- Supply chains are established via Crimea - local shops are supplied with all needed stuff via Crimea(for Kherson)

- Farmers are urged to prepare for season - they will be provided with fuel and all needed things to plant their stuff. Russia promises to give them full access to russian market (I suspect there will be direct buy-out of anything they'll grow)

- Radio and TV are russian ones.

- RosGuard reacts less and less liberal on pro-Ukrainian protests.

- No taxes until further notice.

So looks like full integration might be on the way, and scouting for Bandera's lovers isnt that noisy - some bounties here and there and eventually locals might start cooperating

My view?

This gives us a glimpse into what's going on in Russian controlled Ukraine.  It also (don't know if it was accidental or on purpose) gives us a small look-see into their ongoing operations. Time will tell how correct it is.