Saturday, March 26, 2022

Berger's Force Design 2030 is a repeat of the Army's mistake in the 1950s....Why America's Nuclear Army Failed | Pentomic

Interesting isn't it.

While not a 1 for 1 copy of the mistakes the Army made, the outlines are clear.

The Army attempted to plot out a role for itself and tried to predict the next war.

They altered their entire force structure and got it wrong. It took a decade for them to sort out the mess...and that was without a major war (meaning between super powers).

Is the Marine Corps making the same mistake?  

Does the war in Ukraine justify the decisions made or are factors at play that make the decision to scrap combined arms irrelevant an idiotic viewpoint?

We'll never know the real facts behind this war but to think that an unprofessional, corruption filled force backed up with irregulars going against a competent opponent would somehow win is pushing the boundaries of credibility.

This war is an outlier.  It's being fought in ways that make no sense.

To draw any lessons for the future based on what we're seeing is fool hardy.

The Army made a mistake with its Pentomic Army.  The Marine Corps is repeating that mistake with Force Design 2030.

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