Saturday, March 26, 2022

Biden's sanctions plan is gonna be painful for not only for Russia but the West/World too...

 I'm monitoring Biden's speech and the fantasy island approach he's taking is breathtaking.

I sat up when he talked about European energy dependence on Russia.

Does he really believe the alliance will not fragment once people start having to ration gas (Germany is already talking about it)?

Does he really believe the alliance will hold together once southern European countries get hit with triple the energy bills they have now?

Does he really believe that the American people will stand with him once they see prices RISE this summer?

Once again this is just energy.  The knock on effects of this conflict have yet to raise its ugly head.

Biden is trapped by his own words and his own stance.

He seems to be locked in the effort to destroy Russia (or at least force a regime change) instead of trying to solve this crisis.

Strap in tight boys and girls.

Most of you wanted this (based on your comments) and what we're about to get is gonna be devastating.

We're in for some serious pain.  Maybe not conflict, but the economy is gonna be WRECKED beyond description.

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