Saturday, March 05, 2022

Brittney Griner nabbed in Moscow...


Not surprised. Oh and I don't doubt that she did indeed have it in her bag. Weird thing? US laxity when it comes to drugs now is definitely gonna set up people from liberal states to face charges in more conservative countries. Unfortunately the US has chosen to cut relations (or at least drastically scale them back). This is why that move is so stupid. Despite the war we could (and have) worked with Russia on many issues. They have worked with us to de-conflict several war zones our forces have been active in. Additionally it can help with situations like the one Ms Griner is facing.

I pity her though.

She is about to face something from her most tortured dreams.  Not only is she gonna be locked up but she's gonna face a Russian prison.

Hope God is with her.  Still gonna be a very rough ride though. Very rough ride.

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