Thursday, March 10, 2022

CSIS Missile Defense guide on anti-tank missiles being used by Ukrainian Defense Force

Kinda surprised that we're not seeing heavier weight anti-tank missiles in use. But man portable seems to work well which is surprising...I thought Russian armor would hold up better than it has. 

If this war is an indication then the IFV concept is dead. So is the main battle tank. What replaces them? Personnel carriers that stop well short of the objective and provide covering fire (classic APC) and Infantry Support Vehicles that support the infantry in the assault/defense...but further back. The future battlefield is gonna be a meat grinder. Infantry is gonna have to take ground with limited direct fire (perhaps UAVs?)...but that does open up an unappreciated asset to make a huge comeback. Mortars! Preferably automatic mortars that can keep heads down and be walked in front of advancing troops.

The other possibility is unmanned ground vehicles but they're gonna have to be plentiful, expendable and carry a helluva punch to do the close in fight.

Of course the caveat in all this is IF there are any lessons to be learned from this conflict.

Quite honestly the way this fight has been going a Battalion of MARSOC/RANGERS could probably have won in the defense or the assault the way this fight is going.  JSOC would be having a ball if confronted with either side in this war...BUT OF COURSE the Russians would be fighting TOTALLY differently if confronted by US Special Ops (my opinion).

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