Monday, March 07, 2022

Did my deadly force training and pistol/shotgun requal...but the vid (most have seen it) is my guiding light on winning the fight...


I did pistol/shotgun and deadly force requal today.  The usual stuff but with an update on new laws, new regulations from the Dept etc..

What I want to hit ya'll with is the Kyle Dinkheller Murder.  Deputy Dinkheller was a Deputy in a rural Georgia County and pulled over a vehicle (don't remember the infraction). 

He asked the driver to step out of the vehicle and the THREAT was acting erratically, stated his level of training and approached him in a menacing manner.

The THREAT refused to follow instruction and the end result is shown in a vid here.  Note that I can't post it because its been rated as disturbing by YouTube.

But as an adult I ask you to watch it.

Reality is never pretty and this is damn near gruesome. It is ONE of my guiding lights on the importance of gaining the initiative and more importantly winning the fight.

Rest in peace Deputy Dinkheller.

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