Friday, March 11, 2022

Distributed Operations 1/2


Stop testing this stuff in a vacuum! Show me how it stacks up against a Stryker Brigade, an upgraded Airborne Brigade...then up the ante and do the same against a Mech Inf Brigade (all units with supporting arms). Then ask the NTC to develop a force package based on a Chinese Marine Brigade and let's see how it does then. All this testing to the course work is NOT valid!  If you design the test and want a certain outcome then YOU WILL get that outcome!

I'm surprised more Marines aren't globing onto the fact the this concept is just an organized Guadalcanal 2.0!

Marines are learning foraging which indicates that they expect resupply to be interdicted.

Berger has already admitted that the "golden hour" for causalities is a thing of the past.

Once you peek under the hood of this thing we're setting up current and future Marines to fight (and probably die) unsupported, no resupply, no medical evacuation and having to try and live off the land.

This concept is a step backwards to an awful time in history that Marines of that era promised would never happen again.

Berger laughed in their faces and said hold my beer...yet his psychopaths have the audacity to say that the enemy fears this thing!  WHAT BULLSHIT!

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