Saturday, March 19, 2022

Everyone is so fascinated by the war but is anyone thinking about AFTER THE WAR????

What if?

What if the land that the Russians has taken is it.  They make no further advances into Ukraine.

What happens then?

Does NATO setup a peacekeeping force in Ukraine?  Does the UN? Does the US participate?

What happens with all the refugees?  Do you think they return or are the permanent residents in the West now?

What happens to Zelensky?  Does he do like most Presidents of war torn countries....leave, hit the lecture circuit, makes millions but doesn't do jack to help the country he once led?

Everyone is so fascinated by the war but is anyone thinking about AFTER THE WAR????  What FURTHER sacrifices are gonna be asked of Western citizens?  The possibility that decisions made today will have a strong bearing on the near future?  What say you?

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