Monday, March 21, 2022

German mercenary in Ukraine: "No one gets out alive"

 Forgot the reader that gave me this link.  My bad...

via plus.24 (translation needed..I used Google translate)

Peter went to Ukraine because he believed it would pay off to help in this fight. However, the reality is different, as the former German career soldier describes. Instead of experienced soldiers, many young, inexperienced foreign men would fight against Russia.

"I went there because I really thought (...) that this was a fight worth fighting," says Peter in the "Ö1-Morgenjournal" . Peter is in his mid-50s and a retired soldier. He traveled from Germany to Ukraine because he believed it was worth helping. "But not to be burned as cannon fodder, and that's exactly what's happening there at the moment with German citizens, actually with people from all over the world," he says.


For my American brothers.

If you got that itch that needs to be scratched then head down to your local law enforcement dept. 

You're a little knicked up by your past?  Be honest and up front and you will pass the lie detector.

Guarantee you'll get more action on the streets of America with a better chance of survival than you'll get in Ukraine.

Fuck man.  If I can do it so can you.  The way things are going this is the fight for national home, not across the water.

As far as this story?

You would have to be either a Nazi or batshit crazy to head to that fight.  Others have pointed it out and I'm still chewing on this type of fight but one thing is clear.

Infantry is getting clobbered.  

Artillery is the king of battle and this fight is tapping us on the shoulder with him reminding us all.

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