Saturday, March 26, 2022

If signalling is a part of politics/warfare then this is ominous. Pic of B61 (closeup) in weapons bay of F-35

Sidenote. I talk about Zelensky's arc but my own has been pretty interesting. A reader commented on it and I had to chew on it for a minute before talking about it. I'm the same guy that around the early 2000's was talking about killing China in its crib before it got too big. Now? Now I've been harping about how Ukraine isn't our war and how we need leadership to walk us back from the ledge. Not quite amazing but interesting.

On to this mess.

Signalling is a part of politics/warfare.  Unfortunately from my chair at least, we've seen too much posturing and signalling to the mob and not enough tough, yet realistic views on what cost we're imposing on OURSELVES with the actions that are being taken.

Again, I have been hoping that we'd walk back from the ledge but this pic is like taking a sprint toward the abyss.

There has been talk of Russia using chemical/nuclear weapons (no intel, just the elite raging at each other and the minions in the public picking it up), and now we see this?

Just plain wow.

It's almost like someone, somewhere WANTS the big fight with Russia.

The pity for all of us?

It won't go like they're thinking.  

Probably sounds good at cocktail parties but we're all (everyone) gonna be in for a ton of pain if they get their way.

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