Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Jeopardizing national security: What is happening to our Marine Corps?

Thanks to CoffeeJoeJava for the link!
Drink it in boys.  This is what leadership looks like, not the stuff you're seeing at HQMC now!

via Marine Corps Times
Sixty-six years later, I still consider myself a United States Marine. But I’m saddened beyond belief knowing that our Marine Corps soon will no longer be the ready combined-arms force that our nation has long depended upon when its interests were threatened.

It will be a force shorn of all its tanks and 76% of its cannon artillery, and with 41% fewer Marines in its infantry battalions. To make the situation even worse, there will be 33% fewer aircraft available to support riflemen on the ground.

These divestures were and are being made to provide the resources for three Marine littoral regiments, designed to support naval campaigns for sea denial and sea control by firing anti-ship missiles.

So, the Marine Corps will trade its combined-arms flexibility for a very specialized mission that the U.S. Army already can provide in greater numbers than the Marine Corps ever will.


I've been shouting this from the rooftops but NO ONE would listen.

Hopefully they will now.

The 25th ID and I predict soon the 2nd ID will provide more land based anti-ship missiles than the entire Marine Corps could muster.

Oh and they'll do that while retaining their capability to perform sustained ground combat.

I proposed a reinforced MEU.  If it had to include anti-ship missiles then so be it but we would still be a force that was capable of conducting missions across the spectrum.


Berger's plan amounts to: ONE FOE, ONE REGION--ready for only a limited role in a fight against that one foe, in that one region!

That is not the United States Marine Corps.  The abomination that he is building IS UNRECOGNIZABLE.

It is a new entity that does not deserve the name MARINE CORPS!

Berger and his band of sycophants labored hard and produced a steaming pile of shit that will have no utility in the fights coming OR IN THE BIG FIGHT that is on the horizon.

The Marine Corps wasn't torn apart from the outside.  It was torn apart by wannabe reformers that had no clue except for wanting to transform the force instead of evolve it.

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