Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Max effort sometimes results in a bit of weirdness (reality check)

Pretty disgusting huh?

Well not really.  If you've ever been to a sporting event where max effort is called for then you'll see all kinds of weirdness.

Ever been to a high level track meet?  Ever been behind the scenes?  Ya know what happens?  Everyone of the competitors is doing a couple of things...warming up, hydrating, stretching...and taking a shit.

So yeah.  

It's pretty damn disgusting but that person is putting out max effort (and I hope cleaning up her mess afterwards).

All this brings me to the point of this thing.

Organizations rarely put out max effort.  Individuals either.  It requires a push that is uncomfortable, disturbing to see and at times messy as hell.

I dare say that 99.9% of us have never truly put out max effort, the visuals of doing so would be too embarrassing.

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