Monday, March 28, 2022

MUST READ! It is not clear if the Marine Corps is going in an objectively better direction than it was before Berger took office

 via Real Clear Defense

For now, it is not clear if the Marine Corps is going in an objectively better direction than it was before Berger took office. Neither the Commandant nor his critics have done a good enough job laying out all of the evidence and analyses in support of their arguments. Berger’s critics should work diligently to ensure they are not relying too heavily upon their dated personal experiences and well-entrenched opinions. But the real burden falls on Berger. This is not his Marine Corps. It belongs to all Americans, and this is our collective national security he is betting with. The tanks and most of the artillery are gone, but they can be brought back. Rebuilding infantry battalions is trickier. Berger should make a stronger, more transparent argument to help the next commandant guide the Corps’ future.


Berger is attempting to be a change agent.  He's terrible at it.  He's making rookie mistakes in regard to the task he's undertaken.

He hasn't explained his plan from start to finish.  In other words he hasn't explained what the NEW Marine Corps he's building will look like and how it will be more capable than the one he destroyed.

Additionally he's relying on information that he insists is private but yet at the same time is asking everyone to simply trust him.

Not even retired 4 stars trust him on this!

I'm his biggest critic (I know...little blog he doesn't even know I'm alive but I'm good at shouting) and I'm willing to change my mind if he simply took the time to sell his idea.

He hasn't.

He's simply started wholesale change that from all appearances seems to be for the sake of wholesale change.

That's dangerous for the Marine Corps and the country.

If he's wrong, and since he's only a man he very well could be, he could be doing more damage to the organization he says he loves than the enemy has done to the Corps in a century.

In short?

He's got to sell this abomination (or salvation..I don't know) or it won't work and it will take longer to reconstitute the Corps than it did for him to break it.

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