Friday, March 04, 2022

Now ya'll want a no fly zone? Jesus will anyone on this blog think and stop emoting?

Good God!

Reading the comments is getting demoralizing.  How many CHILDREN do I have coming to this blog?

Some of you want a no fly zone?

Based on what?  The once bragging, boisterous and borderline arrogant Ukrainians that were putting up post after post of sending Russians back in body bags?

Or are you basing it on the whining and crying for help (that I told you would happen), now that MASS is finally coming into play in the fight for that country?

I don't have a dog in this fight.  I don't want to take sides.  I don't think we should be involved.  If we were then I would cheer for a Ukraine that went back to the pre-invasion status quo.

That ain't reality.

Reality means that we deal with things the way they are NOW not how we WANT them to be (that's toddler thinking).

Which brings me back to the NO FLY ZONE.

Everyone is sending weapons.  Citizens of the West are joining the UFL.  But why isn't anyone or a group of nations setting up a no fly zone?


Because that would make a small European war into a BIG European war.

Even worse.  We would be dedicating whichever force to more than just a no fly zone.  They would have to dedicate search and rescue for pilots shot down.  That could lead to direct confrontations between whatever forces ground units (last I saw platoon strength is at least on standby to assist even though the "actual" rescue team might be a few Air Force/Navy Spec Ops guys).

A few of those incidents and the inevitable boots on the ground when someone's baby girl is shot down (god forbid if she's some bunny with "classic" european looks) and suddenly war is declared if she ain't saved.  Even worse is if some unit has turned feral and brutalizes her.

Ground units rush in to "save Ukraine", Russia is getting pushed back feels threatened and suddenly tactical nukes are released.  

The Russians call ahead and warn that they're gonna use it to break contact and create a buffer and France, the UK or even Biden retaliates with our version.

Next thing you know nukes are loose, the world is on the brink and its all because people EMOTED instead of thought.

Long story short?  A no fly zone is the most IDIOTIC thing I've ever heard and Zelensky begging for one now when earlier he stated all he needed was "weapons not a ride home" is beyond telling.

It means the dude is fading.  Arrogance and pride and celebrity earlier is turning into fear.

I can smell it from here and I'm thousands of miles away.  The terrible thing is I don't blame him.  He's facing the abyss.  His best hope is to get Biden on the phone (Russia sees the US as its equal, not the EU) and tell him to send his SecState on a trip (along with perhaps the CJCS) to try and work some stuff out.

Barring that my prediction doesn't change.

Ukraine will fall.

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