Saturday, March 26, 2022

Russian MoD video of the launch of Kalibr cruise missiles by a small missile ship last night.

The naval fight isn't getting much attention but...

I think the Marine Corps in particular should be looking at seeing how the sea battle affects the effort on land (THE REAL SEAT OF POWER!!!!  PEOPLE LIVE ON LAND, NOT AT SEA!!!).

Take this example.

We see a small Russian missile ship launching effective strikes at land targets.

The US Navy is a destroyer centric force and failed at building smaller combatants (looking at you LCS).  But what if they could get it right?

What if instead of 30 to 40 light amphibious warships that would hardly affect the sea battle with its small loadout of Missile Marines they instead focused on crewing the same number of effective smallish warships that could strike at land and sea?

Wouldn't that be a more capable force?

It would also allow the Marine Corps to go back to its Force In Readiness role and not fly off on this tangent.

Just a thought.

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