Friday, March 04, 2022

Sen Graham goes batshit stupid...calls for someone to "take out Putin"




This idiotic emoting, this time on the part of a Senator trying to get a few more invitations to cocktail parties with the elite, is gonna be the death of us all.

Let some backwards clown in a third world country call for someone to blow up Congress and before the Tweet goes viral you'll see SOCOM with wheels up heading to parts unknown to conduct a classified mission on behalf of the National Command Authority.

Ya wanna know what's sad?  Despite all the name calling (our politicians are getting real good at that...almost like bad girls in high school) Putin will ignore it.

What if he didn't?  What if Putin took Graham at his word and assumed that he spoke for the United States?

But wait you're saying.  No way could he believe that right?

No way I thought a senior Senator would say anything so fucking stupid.

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